Georgia Wilderness Society
Photos from our Adventures

Thunder Scout hike, Saturday, March 13, 2021

Seems that Thunder Scout likes to present GWS hikers with a challenge each time we go there. In 2017 the Flint River had flooded a section of the Dripping Rocks Trail. Therefore, in order to bypass this obstacle, we scaled a rock face while holding onto cables that had been secured into the rocks. Once at the top, we then climbed the steep mountainside on hands and knees until we reached more-level ground and picked up the next trail. This year, on March 13, the Moss Falls Trail gave us a bit of a challenge. This trail heads up the mountain, but begins at river level near Double Branch Creek. After several stream crossings and some wet shoes and socks, the yellow blazes disappeared. We bushwhacked a bit along the creek until Dave(y Crockett) decided to venture up the mountainside where he found our yellow-blazed Moss Falls Trail. We scrambled up the slope and continued on the trail until we reached the steps leading down to beautiful Moss Falls where we relaxed and ate lunch.

The Gerald I. Lawhorn Scouting Base (Camp Thunder/Thunder Scout) is west of Thomaston and has many trails of various lengths, all intertwined on one busy map. We completed approximately 7 miles of these trails. The weather started out warm and beautiful, becoming hot in the afternoon. Most of the area we hiked was open and leafless at this time of year. Lots of rocks on the trails. The only flowers were a smattering of bird's foot violets. We did spot a hawk flying low through the trees.

We had a wonderful little guide by the name of Shorty who lives at the camp.... part Beagle and part something else. Shorty knew the trails and kept us on track. We all had a good workout, including Shorty. Bonnie and Shirley made sure Shorty stayed him water in Dave's empty sandwich container. (Shorty had it made. Shirley had given him a few little pieces of her sandwich at lunch!)

Participants were Shirley Williams, Dave Gardner, Jessica Gardner, Bonnie Gehling, Mary Katz and her guests, Sharon Livingston and Ashley Hargett, and Margaret Clay, trip leader.